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String Arranging - Performing & Recording
Orchestrations - Scoring for Film & TV
By Frank van Essen

Frank is geweldig om mee te werken. Flexibel, muzikaal en snel. Ik was zeer verrast om zo binnen een korte tijd een prachtig goed opgenomen arrangement teruggestuurd te krijgen! Een aanrader!
Beatrice van der Poel
Album "heelhuids" release nov 2013

Frank Van Essen has worked with me on all my recent albums and his string playing is matchless.
He is my musician of choice for violin and viola parts.
My producer/arranger, Troy Donockley, recommended Frank to me from their experience of working together in Iona. I loved Frank's playing the instant I heard it and now I too, am a fan.
I'm dreaming that one day we can play together live!
Barbara Dickson
Recording Artist, actress

It's always a pleasure to work with Frank! We give him a short briefing and he always manages to arrange and play just the kind of vibe we are looking for.
His level of playing and sound is incredible and an upgrade for every production that needs strings; a quartet, a 12 piece or a full orchestra, Frank pulls it off!
Sven Figee & Roland Dirkse
Producers, Marmalade Music, Holland

Hello Frank, my name is Jack Webb I played keyboards with the band Abel Ganz. I understand Denis asked you to help with real strings on my track. He's just given me a copy of the wonderful work you did (it's now called Delusion of Grandeur) for their new album. I just wanted to thank you personally and say I can't quite believe what my ears are hearing - your amazing reconstruction and orchestrating of what was a very weak original recording, has completely blown me away.. thank you so very very much. The accuracy of your transcription - is just beyond words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart once again -
Kind Regards - Jack
Jack Webb - Abel Ganz
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